Newsletter Landing Page


The following project was completed as part of a course in computer science offered by Harvard University on the EDX platform. The task was to prepare a number of html pages with accompanying CSS styling and certain elements of JavaScript to make the pages more interactive. The design and nature of the project was open ended and left to the author's discretion.

Skills Learned / Enhanced

Working through this project was highly enjoyable and rewarding as it allowed me to lean into areas I already enjoy working in (such as design) and and improve my knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • HTML tags
  • JavaScript functions
  • CSS styling
  • Webpage structuring

To find out more about this project, you can follow the accompanying link and view the result of completed project.


During my time studying Harvard's introduction to computer science course (CS50x), I taught myself to write HTML, CSS and JavaScript. As part of the project assignment, I made the simple webpages detailed in this post.
