MiFID II – Trends Beyond Trading Data

This paper looks at the potential insights and trends that can be derived from data obtained through MiFID II, looking at and beyond initial trading activity trends and further into what the drivers are for these trends, how external factors may affect this and whether technology developments have had an impact on business activities.

Since its implementation in November 2007, MiFID has been the cornerstone of capital markets regulation in Europe. However, since its inception, not all benefits have been fed down to the end investor as envisaged. MiFID II is aiming to address the shortcomings of the original MiFID release and has been amended with measures due to the lessons learned from the financial crisis.


The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive commonly known as MiFID 2, is one of the most significant legal frameworks for securities markets, investment intermediaries, and trading venues.

This research paper was a personal project to investigate and understand the major provisions of the legislation, and to look beyond the initial reaction from the trading markets, to the wider implications beyond the trading data.