Google Data Analytics – Capstone Project


The following project scenario is a fictitious setting as part of a course in data analytics offered by Google on the Coursera platform. The analysis was carried out adhering to the APPASA (Ask, Prepare, Process, Analyse, Share, Act) framework for evaluating data. The primary analysis was conducted using R, with additional visualisation made using Tableau.


As  junior data analyst, I have been tasked to work with the marketing analyst team at Bellabeat, a high-tech manufacturer of health-focused products for women. Bellabeat is a successful small company, but they have the potential to become a larger player in the global smart device market. Urška Sršen, co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Bellabeat, believes that analysing smart device fitness data could help unlock new growth opportunities for the company. The ask is to focus on one of Bellabeat’s products and analyse smart device data to gain insight into how consumers are using their smart devices. The insights discovered will then help guide marketing strategy for the company.

Skills Learned / Enhanced

Working through the Google data analytics course and completing this capstone project allowed me to learn and improve upon the following skills:

  • Cleaning data
  • Data analysis
  • Data visualisation
  • Forming recommendations from data
  • R programming

To find out more about this project, you can download the full project by clicking the below link.


As part of a data analytics course offered by Google, I completed a case study (capstone project) to conclude the course. The case study focused on the fitness device company "Bellabeat" wherein I was tasked with analysing industry trend data and applying it to Bellabeat product and offering marketing strategy solutions.
