SQL Crime Solving


The following project was completed as part of a wider course in computer science covering many topics from C to HTML / CSS / JavaScript, Python and of course SQL. This project was undertaken during the SQL modules and was thoroughly enjoyable as it establishes a crime to be solved through SQL techniques. This was the perfect project on which to test my SQL skills as it plays so well with the discovery and "ah-ha" moments frequently experienced when working with data.

Skills Learned / Enhanced

Working through the Cs50 course has been highly rewarding and given me the opportunity to enhance my skills in data analysis. The SQL project I completed here specifically allowed me to learn and improve upon the following skills:

  • SQL queries
  • Data analysis
  • Relational databases

To find out more about this project, you can download the full project by clicking the below link.



  • Jack Daly

  • 09.01.2023

As part of my studies of computer science via Harvard's CS50 program, I completed a task in SQL requiring the analysis and querying of relational tables in a SQL database.
