Scratch Project 1 – Tank Game



In my journey to learn how to code, I came across the resource "Scratch" provided publicly for free by MIT. I began making my own game as part of my studies for the Harvard CS50x Introduction to Computer Science program. The project was very interesting and using Scratch was an engaging and thoroughly fascinating experience.

The project itself had the following requirements:

  • Project must use at least two sprites, at least one of which must not be a cat.
  • Project must have at least three scripts total (i.e., not necessarily three per sprite).
  • Project must use at least one conditional, at least one loop, and at least one variable.
  • Project must use at least one custom block that you have made yourself, which must take at least one input.

I learned a lot from completing this exercise including :

  1. How to use different logic operators
  2. How code chunks each other signal and interact
  3. Making and using variables and custom code block

As a someone who's degree background isn't in computer science, I realised how much I enjoyed (and became slightly obsessed with) the process of designing, creating, and refining my own project using my own code.



Along my journey to learn code I discovered Scratch as a highly useful tool to practice and understand the structures of of coding logic. The project was completed as part of my participation in the Harvard CS50x introduction to science course.

Feel free to try and beat the game by following the link above.
